Our certified cosmetologists are here for you to provide the highest level of personalised care before and after you make a purchase, and it’s completely free of charge. We will take into account your individual needs and develop an ideal regimen that is tailored specifically for you. We understand that everyone’s skin is unique, so we offer an inclusive skincare program that is designed to suit your individual needs! With our support, you can look forward to a beautiful and healthy skin.

We offer the best products from all over the world and deliver exceptional results. Our “Results Guaranteed” program will grant you a free guidance and consultations from professional cosmetologists certified by Grozio.LT.

Our partners are certified based on a rigorous process that includes professional experience, in-depth product knowledge, ongoing training and hands-on skills development through programs established by the manufacturers. This ensures that you receive advice based on the highest standards of excellence in the cosmetics industry.



  1. Our future cosmetologist must have a diploma of graduation in the field of cosmetology, or other related fields.
  2. The cosmetologist, upon admission, goes through individual training, studies the features of our cosmetics, the specifics of working with them, and undergoes professional training with our team and representatives of cosmetic brands manufacturers.
  3. The cosmetologist goes through individual training with our trainer to and participates in workshops where they practically perform the necessary care procedures.
  4. Only after the full course of training is complete and we can make sure that the cosmetologist is equipped with all of the necessary skills and knowledge to work with our cosmetics, the cosmetologist receives our certification.
  5. A further training plan for the cosmetologist is drawn up, during which the cosmetologist raises their classification by further receiving knowledge about our other available product lines.

With Grozio.LT, it’s not just about looking beautiful; it’s about feeling beautiful, inside and out. Experience the difference of results-driven cosmetics and foster your own beauty today.