How to Place an Order Grozio.LT


Here’s step-by-step guidance for successful online shopping on Grozio.LT platform:

  1. Browse the product catalog and select the product you want
  2. Click on the product You want for more information such as price and description. To buy, click “add to cart.”
  3. Enter your shipping address.
  4. Select a convenient payment and delivery method.
  5. Our professional cosmetologist will guide you through your skincare process.

You can select a cosmetologist of your choice from the cosmetologist catalog before placing an order, or enter your cosmetologist code when placing an order.

If you haven’t selected a cosmetologist, our consultant will contact you after ordering, and help you choose a suitable specialist and a convenient time for your consultation.

If you have a favourite cosmetologist who is our partner, you can ask him to select the right range of products for you or get a special order code and enjoy a great shopping experience.

  1. You will receive a notification confirming your order.
  2. You will receive a tracking code as soon as your order is shipped.
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